Luis Gutierrez

Software Engineer · MIT '19

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I'm a self-learner and enthusiastic to pick up new things whether in engineering, entrepreneurship, or other industries. I've written software ever since back in high school when I began writing scripts for my father to automate some of his web-based tasks. I'm currently focusing my attention on maximizing my experience in system architecture, performance engineering, and fullstack projects.

I asked myself numerously "what's under the hood?". At MIT I've taken courses in systems engineering, computer architecture, performance engineering, and operating systems . In addition to that I've had experience working with large scale infrastructure at well known software companies.
I'm creative when it comes to builing products from scratch. I've made multiple Android apps back when I was learning to code and also in hackathons. In addition to that I have worked on full stack projects for companies like Facebook. I'm eventually going to also be using this website to showcase all of my projects!



Software Engineer | October 2019 - September 2021
  • Software Engineer on the Video Distrubution team!
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    Undergraduate Researcher | February - June 2019
  • Built and transformed a sequential drone simulator into a distributed drone simulator in order to evaluate the challenges associated with turning sequential programs into distributed programs.
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    Software Engineer Extern | January 2019
  • Added functionality to Twitch's Webhook API, which connects millions of user subscriptions to Twitch's streamers and events a day.
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    Goldman Sachs

    Engineering Summer Analyst | May - June 2018
  • Re-engineered the whole loan trade booking system by utilizing a decentralized micro-service web architecture in place of monolithic process.
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    Software Engineer Intern | May - June 2017, May - June 2016
  • Minimized developer debugging cycle for a framework that extends Litho by building a logging tool that provides detailed information of recurring operations ('17).
  • Developed an Android Marketing application with Parse that allows users to sell and view items posted by their friends, including having a newsfeed that queries for in-demand items ('16).
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